Between Google Classroom, What the Most Successful People Do at Work, Moon of the Crusted Snow, and I Promise . We've got all the great stuff in our Educator Library. See all the trending titles here.
Due to recent changes to our LACOE Educator Library ebook platform (OverDrive), patrons are currently experiencing sign-in problems. We genuinely apologize for the inconvenience this is causing and are working with OverDrive to fix the issue quickly. We hope you'll be patient with us as we work out the kinks to the new platform and endeavor to get you reading again as soon as possible.
Be sure to check out our ebooks related to online and home learning. These titles include Teaching with Zoom, Stepping Up to Google Classroom, and Phonics at Home. See all the titles here.
Between Wisdom from a Humble Jellyfish, Felix Ever After, Big Summer and The Kitchen Pantry Scientist, we've got all sorts of great stuff in our Educator Collection. See all the new and trending titles here.
During school closures we are offering free student access to LA County Districts through August 2020. To inquire about getting student accounts please send us an email at
Be sure to check out our Free Web Resources for online distance learning. We have also added 2,000 always available titles to the collection. See all the titles here.
New titles by Robert J. Marzano in our Educator Collection include The New Art and Science of Teaching, The Handbook for the New Art and Science of Teaching, The New Art and Science of Teaching Reading, The New Art and Science of Teaching Writing, and The New Art and Science of Teaching Mathematics. See all the new and trending titles here.
Between Student Mental Health, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, The Starless Sea and Tame Your Anxiety. We've got all the great stuff in our Educator Collection. See all the trending titles here.